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10×4 All-In-One Presentation Switcher with NX Control (Multi-Format, HDMI, 4 DXLink Inputs) – 2x25W 8-Ohm amplifier, includes integrated NX Controller

Code de produit : FG1906-22 / DVX-3256HD-SP


The Enova DVX-3155HD is an all-in-one controller, AV matrix switcher, scaler, analog to digital signal converter, twisted pair transmitter and amplifier with built-in professional grade audio processing. Easily integrate HDCP into system designs and enjoy hassle free plug-and-play operation. No tools, no delays, and no key constraints – it just works with AMX’s exclusive InstaGate Pro™ Technology. Designed to simplify system design and provide a future proof solution, the DVX-3155HD’s multi-format video inputs support analog and digital signals including HDMI with HDCP sources – all in the same connector. The state-of-the-art professional grade audio DSP delivers quality audio throughout a room. Built-in SmartScale® Technology outputs video that is perfectly scaled for each connected display, eliminating the integration challenges that can occur when sources and displays have different optimal resolutions – making the DVX-3155HD easy to specify, easy to install and easy to use.

Ideal All-In-One Presentation Switcher designed to dramatically simplify AV control and distribution in medium and large conference rooms, classrooms and auditoriums. The flexible DVX-3155HD is perfect for any room with a mix of analog and digital sources, multiple displays, or rooms that require support for video conferencing.


•All-In-One Presentation Switcher in a 3 RU Box – Controller, matrix switcher, scaler, analog to digital converter, amplifier, plus twisted pair distribution and professional-grade audio DSP
•HDMI/HDCP Switching with Simplicity of Analog – End-to-end distribution of HDMI/HDCP without interruption or key constraints using InstaGate Pro Technology
•Matrix Switching – Freely route any input to any or all outputs without blocking – 14×4 video switcher and 14×4 audio switcher with audio breakaway
•SmartScale Technology – Automatically responds to the display’s declared EDID information and scales the video to the best resolution and video parameters for that display without manual setup; this prevents inferior video quality when sources are forced to lower resolutions to support the least capable display in the system
•AV and Control Over Twisted Pair – Send and receive audio, video, bi-directional control and Ethernet up to 100m over one standard twisted pair cable
•Analog to Digital Video Conversion With Scaled Outputs – Converts any source signal to digital and uses SmartScale Technology to automatically output video that is perfectly scaled for each connected display
•Game Changing Device – Standardizing on this box reduces Total Cost of Ownership



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